#USQ19 Featured Learners!

Rosann, Robert & Joy

ROSANN is Robert’s twin sister. Rosann is a 7th-grade middle school student who enjoys Monday mornings and going to school. Her favorite subjects are Math and Speech and Debate. She wants to be a teacher when she grows up and has no interest in sports. Rosann knows how to play the piano and she loves playing it.
ROBERT is Rosann’s twin brother. Robert is a 7th-grade middle school student who enjoys Friday afternoons when school is over. His favorite subjects are Critical Reading and Gym. He loves watching football and is an avid Seahawks fan. He hasn’t decided what he wants to do when he grows up.
JOY is the author of the book Shift This! How to Implement Gradual Changes for Massive Impact in Your Classroom, but she is a 7th grade ELA teacher first. She’s beginning her 25th year of teaching, and it is truly her passion. Joy is passionate about students owning their own learning. She enjoys being known as a “Genius Hour Evangelist,” and is grateful for how her students have stepped up their learning while giving and receiving feedback in lieu of grades. Joy has no idea what she wants to be when she grows up.


When JACK failed his first newborn hearing test, his parents hoped it was a mistake. But a few weeks later – when he failed again – the audiologist broke the news: Jack had bilateral sensory neural hearing loss. At just six weeks old, he received his first behind-the-ear hearing aids. Now a teenager, Jack has been blessed with the very best hearing care – the kind of care only available in a few places in the world. He is one of the lucky ones. Over the past several years, Jack has worked tirelessly to develop his own non-profit organization to help share the gift of hearing with others in need. 20/20 Hearing has been instrumental in raising awareness of the need for audiology care domestically and internationally, and works in close partnership with the Starkey Hearing Foundation on missions all over the world to fit hundreds of people with hearing aids.  20/20 Hearing was also a principle voice in the effort to get Senate Bill 206, or Jack’s Law, passed – ensuring hearing aid coverage for all children in the state of Georgia.

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