Crossing the Line

I often wonder how patterns and procedures established over 100 years ago become school rules that are often never examined again. Often visitors to a school will comment on the lovely visions of students walking down the halls in a straight line, heads facing front, hands at their sides, lips “zipped” and the teacher proudly walking at the front of the line. It probably brings back fond and not so fond memories. 

I wonder what would happen if teachers, kids and leaders sat down together and worked out a plan for walking down the halls that provided students the opportunity to talk to each other, and teachers the opportunity to converse with kids. I bet there would be great teachable and learning moments.  Part of the discussion could be related to “whys” behind the “rule” and if the “whys” are still relevant in 2019. 

I think it would be great to allow kids to pick one or two transitions during the day when running was allowed, skipping was encouraged and laughter was a requirement. 

How might you invite your students into the conversation this year? The first days of school are often riddled with procedures and policies…how will you empower students to be an integral part of not only the discussion but the design process…in your classroom, your school and/or your district? Please share your ideas!

Photograph: Jim Lo Scalzo/EPA